Simply put in your financial preferences and let our intelligent Recommendation Engine serve up real estate investment properties or build portfolios for you. Identify the best cities, neighborhoods, and properties in neighborhoods for investments. Do it yourself or use our Concierge services to help acquire your real estate portfolio to build your passive income.
We provide research trends and real estate market data to help you evaluate cities as target investment locations. Neighborhood Investment Ratings (NIR) allow you to choose neighborhoods based on the income or appreciation potential of properties within those neighborhoods. Use our data to analyze the price, rent and a comprehensive set of expenses to understand the return potential of a property.
HomeUnion's streamlined process made it easy for me to invest in real estate passively while still doing my job as a physician effectively. HomeUnion's technology-driven platform is easy to use and gave me a level of control over my investment that is otherwise missing when you invest remotely.
We provide research trends and real estate market data to help you evaluate cities as target investment locations. Neighborhood Investment Ratings (NIR) allow you to choose neighborhoods based on the income or appreciation potential of properties within those neighborhoods. Use our data to analyze the price, rent and a comprehensive set of expenses to understand the return potential of a property.
HomeUnion's streamlined process made it easy for me to invest in real estate passively while still doing my job as a physician effectively. HomeUnion's technology-driven platform is easy to use and gave me a level of control over my investment that is otherwise missing when you invest remotely.
Real Estate investing has always lagged stock market investing when it comes to data and analytics-driven decision making.
Where stock market investors have had past performance trends and triggers impacting future performance, real estate investors have had to rely on driving by neighborhoods and tribal knowledge.
HomeUnion changes all of that.
We use Big Data to analyze neighborhoods and properties across the country to bring the same level of rich risk-reward calibration that stock market investors have had access to.
Where stock market investors have had past performance trends and triggers impacting future performance, real estate investors have had to rely on driving by neighborhoods and tribal knowledge.
HomeUnion changes all of that.
We use Big Data to analyze neighborhoods and properties across the country to bring the same level of rich risk-reward calibration that stock market investors have had access to.
HomeUnion delivers qualified & professionaly managed properties to investors around the world.
Use our flexible map based search to search by neighborhood, price, cap rate, cash flow and much more.
Our industry leading close match algorithm will alert you when properties that match your preferences become available.
Review financial details including cash flow and appreciation, neighborhood trends and renter profiles.
Save properties to a deeper dive and 'what if' analysis using our dynamic financial performance calculator.
Use our flexible map based search to search by neighborhood, price, cap rate, cash flow and much more.
Our industry leading close match algorithm will alert you when properties that match your preferences become available.
Review financial details including cash flow and appreciation, neighborhood trends and renter profiles.
Save properties to a deeper dive and 'what if' analysis using our dynamic financial performance calculator.
We have created the most complete dataset around the investment performance of a residential property.
We also analyze high quality market signals and macroeconomic factors to determine the best investment locations.
Investors use our platform to identify the best cities, the best neighborhoods and the best properties in those neighborhoods for investment.
We use our proprietary models that consider market factors like supply and demand factors as well as price, rent and sales velocity of properties.
We also analyze high quality market signals and macroeconomic factors to determine the best investment locations.
Investors use our platform to identify the best cities, the best neighborhoods and the best properties in those neighborhoods for investment.
We use our proprietary models that consider market factors like supply and demand factors as well as price, rent and sales velocity of properties.
HomeUnion delivers qualified & professionaly managed properties to investors around the world.
The Rental Property Financed Return Calculator can be used to discover invaluable information about your potential rental property in an instant.
This brief video walkthrough will show you just how easy the tool is to use and provide a brief overview of some of the information that'll become readily available at your fingertips.
Rental income is taxed as ordinary income.
That means that if the marginal tax bracket you're in is 22% and your rental income is $5,000, that you'll end up paying $1,100.
The Rental Property Financed Return Calculator can be used to discover invaluable information about your potential rental property in an instant.
This brief video walkthrough will show you just how easy the tool is to use and provide a brief overview of some of the information that'll become readily available at your fingertips.
Rental income is taxed as ordinary income.
That means that if the marginal tax bracket you're in is 22% and your rental income is $5,000, that you'll end up paying $1,100.
Where to invest is often the question real estate investors struggle to answer, which is unfortunate since location can make all the difference on investors' returns.
Solid investment properties can be found all across the United States, and to help you easily assess these neighborhoods remotely and without familiarity to the area, we've developed the Neighborhood Investment Rating (NIR).
The NIR evaluates a neighborhood based on a variety of economic, environmental, and demographical charcteristics in relation to other neighborhoods locally and nationwide.
Solid investment properties can be found all across the United States, and to help you easily assess these neighborhoods remotely and without familiarity to the area, we've developed the Neighborhood Investment Rating (NIR).
The NIR evaluates a neighborhood based on a variety of economic, environmental, and demographical charcteristics in relation to other neighborhoods locally and nationwide.
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