We believe that everyone should have access to informative resources and the ability to grow his or her businesses and support their industry. It's also part of our mission to help our members stay current in their licenses as well as staying informed about the relevant industry topics and events. Read our monthly newsletters below and follow us on Facebook @MVARSalem!
Do we have your correct contact number? Check out the MVAR Membership Directory and let us know if we need to update your phone number or let us know if we need to change your email address! Sixty-eight percent of REALTORS were licensed sales agents, 20 percent held broker licenses, and 13 percent held broker associate licenses. The typical REALTOR had eight years of experience, down from nine last year and reflective of more agents entering the field.
Fifteen percent of members had at least one personal assistant. REALTORS most often reported their primary specialty as residential brokerage at 73 percent. Seventy-nine percent of REALTORS were very certain they will remain active as a real estate professional for the next two years.
Do we have your correct contact number? Check out the MVAR Membership Directory and let us know if we need to update your phone number or let us know if we need to change your email address! Sixty-eight percent of REALTORS were licensed sales agents, 20 percent held broker licenses, and 13 percent held broker associate licenses. The typical REALTOR had eight years of experience, down from nine last year and reflective of more agents entering the field.
Fifteen percent of members had at least one personal assistant. REALTORS most often reported their primary specialty as residential brokerage at 73 percent. Seventy-nine percent of REALTORS were very certain they will remain active as a real estate professional for the next two years.
We believe that everyone should have access to informative resources and the ability to grow his or her businesses and support their industry.
It's also part of our mission to help our members stay current in their licenses as well as staying informed about the relevant industry topics and events.
Read our monthly newsletters and visit our resources page to keep you informed on national and local topics.
Strong communities and organizations are built by developing strong relationships with others.
It's also part of our mission to help our members stay current in their licenses as well as staying informed about the relevant industry topics and events.
Read our monthly newsletters and visit our resources page to keep you informed on national and local topics.
Strong communities and organizations are built by developing strong relationships with others.
Since 1969, the REALTORS Political Action Committee (RPAC) has promoted the election of pro-REALTOR candidates across the United States.
The purpose of RPAC is clear: voluntary contributions made by REALTORS are used to help elect candidates at the local, state, and national levels who understand and support the industry's interests.
Mission: We unify the membership to collectively advocate on behalf of the real estate industry and private property rights.
The Willamette Valley Government Affairs Director represents MVAR, WAOR and PCAR.
The purpose of RPAC is clear: voluntary contributions made by REALTORS are used to help elect candidates at the local, state, and national levels who understand and support the industry's interests.
Mission: We unify the membership to collectively advocate on behalf of the real estate industry and private property rights.
The Willamette Valley Government Affairs Director represents MVAR, WAOR and PCAR.
The Executive Officer (EO) is responsible for the effective conduct of the affairs of the association.
The EO recommends and participates in formulation of existing association policies and procedures including making recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval and implementation.
As the EO she plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the staff, education programs, events and activities of the association to assure that objectives are attained, plans fulfilled, REALTOR and member needs are met.
The EO recommends and participates in formulation of existing association policies and procedures including making recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval and implementation.
As the EO she plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the staff, education programs, events and activities of the association to assure that objectives are attained, plans fulfilled, REALTOR and member needs are met.
The Mid-Valley Association of REALTORS Community Foundation is dedicated to giving back to our community.
Donate today with a one-time donation, or you may become a sustainer member of the Foundation and have a donation made on your behalf each month!
The Foundation Board of Directors met with Tim Sinatra CEO of The Family YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties to gain insights on the expansion of their new facility.
The Y's vision has touched our hearts and we are proud to support the Y's journey to serve generations to come in our community.
Donate today with a one-time donation, or you may become a sustainer member of the Foundation and have a donation made on your behalf each month!
The Foundation Board of Directors met with Tim Sinatra CEO of The Family YMCA of Marion and Polk Counties to gain insights on the expansion of their new facility.
The Y's vision has touched our hearts and we are proud to support the Y's journey to serve generations to come in our community.
The Community Foundation represents the REALTOR and Affiliate members who raise funds to give back to our community on their behalf, making a difference in the lives of many others in our community.
The Board of Directors reviews all applications submitted for grants quarterly in March, June, September, and December of each year.
The Board of Directors reviews all applications submitted for grants quarterly in March, June, September, and December of each year.
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