The most accurate, comprehensive, neighborhood-specific crime, demographic, housing, school performance, and real estate trend and forecast analytics available today, with seamless coverage for the entire United States. Free, consumer real estate websites are no match for NeighborhoodScout. Depend on the best. Precise, micro-neighborhood trends, forecasts, and exclusive analytics are a few clicks away.
NeighborhoodScout reveals the truth about every Neighborhood in the U.S., address-by-address. Did you know that in 1970, it was cheaper to purchase residential property in Nantucket than in the old industrial city of Bridgeport, Connecticut? By 1989, Nantucket had become some of the most expensive real estate in the world, while Bridgeport today is less expensive than the U.S. average.
Where are those places today - the ones that look like Nantucket in 1970? Newly available, Scout Vision Trends & Forecasts provide you this looking glass into every neighborhood in the United States. We have been using NeighborhoodScout data from Location Inc. for over 5 years.
NeighborhoodScout reveals the truth about every Neighborhood in the U.S., address-by-address. Did you know that in 1970, it was cheaper to purchase residential property in Nantucket than in the old industrial city of Bridgeport, Connecticut? By 1989, Nantucket had become some of the most expensive real estate in the world, while Bridgeport today is less expensive than the U.S. average.
Where are those places today - the ones that look like Nantucket in 1970? Newly available, Scout Vision Trends & Forecasts provide you this looking glass into every neighborhood in the United States. We have been using NeighborhoodScout data from Location Inc. for over 5 years.
NeighborhoodScout provides the most comprehensive database of hyper-local real estate data available today.
The platform is owned and operated by Location, Inc., builders of location-based Big Data and intelligence for the Fortune 1000 and beyond.
NeighborhoodScout was created by Dr. Andrew Schiller, who earned his PhD from Clark University's Graduate School of Geography, America's oldest and largest geography PhD program.
Dr. Schiller was previously a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Atomic Energy Complex, and also Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy's Tennessee Chapter.
The platform is owned and operated by Location, Inc., builders of location-based Big Data and intelligence for the Fortune 1000 and beyond.
NeighborhoodScout was created by Dr. Andrew Schiller, who earned his PhD from Clark University's Graduate School of Geography, America's oldest and largest geography PhD program.
Dr. Schiller was previously a scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Atomic Energy Complex, and also Director of Science for The Nature Conservancy's Tennessee Chapter.
Only NeighborhoodScout Real Estate data uncover specific housing market details for every neighborhood in America, so you can effectively vet various locations and compare them against state and national averages.
Perhaps you're looking for an investment property.
Do small 2, 3, and 4 unit apartment buildings make up a substantial portion of your desired neighborhood's real estate stock?
What does this neighborhood yield in terms of market rate rental income?
How do those rent values compare to other neighborhoods in the city, or to other cities in the state?
Perhaps you're looking for an investment property.
Do small 2, 3, and 4 unit apartment buildings make up a substantial portion of your desired neighborhood's real estate stock?
What does this neighborhood yield in terms of market rate rental income?
How do those rent values compare to other neighborhoods in the city, or to other cities in the state?
Only NeighborhoodScout Demographics uncover the unique character revealing the DNA of place by quantifying the attributes of its people.
NeighborhoodScout provides demographic analytics for every state, city, and neighborhood in the U.S., as well as trends and forecasts at the micro-neighborhood level.
Unlike standardly available Census demographics, NeighborhoodScout uses dozens of custom models to transform 8.5 million raw demographic data elements from government sources into proprietary indices and insights.
NeighborhoodScout provides demographic analytics for every state, city, and neighborhood in the U.S., as well as trends and forecasts at the micro-neighborhood level.
Unlike standardly available Census demographics, NeighborhoodScout uses dozens of custom models to transform 8.5 million raw demographic data elements from government sources into proprietary indices and insights.
NeighborhoodScout Crime Risk Reports provide an instant, objective assessment of property and violent crime risks and rates for every U.S. address and neighborhood.
We offer seamless national coverage and up to 90% accuracy.
Discover the lowest crime neighborhoods in any city or town, before you invest, lend, underwrite insurance, send employees to an unknown address, deliver packages, or select a location for your business.
We also reveal which types of crime pose the greatest risks in any neighborhood, from theft to homicide.
We offer seamless national coverage and up to 90% accuracy.
Discover the lowest crime neighborhoods in any city or town, before you invest, lend, underwrite insurance, send employees to an unknown address, deliver packages, or select a location for your business.
We also reveal which types of crime pose the greatest risks in any neighborhood, from theft to homicide.
Know how good the public schools and local school districts are before you buy a home or relocate.
You can search for and find the best schools in any area of America.
Only NeighborhoodScout gives you nationally comparable school rankings based on test scores, so you can directly compare the quality of schools in any location.
In fact, our nationally comparable school ratings are patented.
We also give you the ability to put in the school quality and class size you want, and the search engine will return the best neighborhoods for education in a list and map your results to the neighborhood level.
You can search for and find the best schools in any area of America.
Only NeighborhoodScout gives you nationally comparable school rankings based on test scores, so you can directly compare the quality of schools in any location.
In fact, our nationally comparable school ratings are patented.
We also give you the ability to put in the school quality and class size you want, and the search engine will return the best neighborhoods for education in a list and map your results to the neighborhood level.
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