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You can save searches, and get daily email alerts of new listings, price changes, sold data, and market reports. Our Interactive Map Search allows you to view properties on a map or refine your search by drawing the boundaries around the area you desire. Curious about what's happening in your neighborhood? You can create a custom market report to see what's active, under contract, and sold in your neighborhood!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Seaside Executives. With over 25 years of combined real estate experience, we know how crucial it is for you to find relevant, up-to-date information.
You can save searches, and get daily email alerts of new listings, price changes, sold data, and market reports. Our Interactive Map Search allows you to view properties on a map or refine your search by drawing the boundaries around the area you desire. Curious about what's happening in your neighborhood? You can create a custom market report to see what's active, under contract, and sold in your neighborhood!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Seaside Executives. With over 25 years of combined real estate experience, we know how crucial it is for you to find relevant, up-to-date information.
Seaside Executives was founded by Mark and Carrie Browne, a dedicated husband and wife real estate team, in Encinitas, California.
Mark and Carrie wanted to create something different.
They built their real estate brand to be local, approachable, personal, client-focused, and customizable.
Every person, every home, and every real estate transaction are unique and yet the industry tends to operate in a standard manner.
Mark and Carrie created Seaside Executives with the goal of personalizing the process for each client.
Mark and Carrie wanted to create something different.
They built their real estate brand to be local, approachable, personal, client-focused, and customizable.
Every person, every home, and every real estate transaction are unique and yet the industry tends to operate in a standard manner.
Mark and Carrie created Seaside Executives with the goal of personalizing the process for each client.
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