Bachelor and the Old Mill. SW Bend Real Estate For Sale - conveniently located adjacent to the Old Mill and close in proximity to the Deschutes River. NE Bend, OR Homes - easy access to St. Charles Hospital and Shopping while offering competivley priced homes. SE Homes for sale in Bend Oregon - a combination of both newer and established Bend neighborhoods, with many homes on larger lots.
Our Data feed is updated daily! Access the local MLS direct with regular inventory updates. Our Bend Oregon MLS listings are current, accurate, and timely - our Real Estate data is as good as it gets. Unlike Zillow or Trulia - you will not find Bend Real Estate listings or Homes For Sale which do not actually exist, being depicted as "available" on this site.
If you see a home here, you can buy it. The Bend Oregon Real Estate market is experiencing a revival! Inventory is low, and multiple offers are now commonplace. We have seen numerous Bend neighborhoods stabilize, with subtle price increases city wide.
Our Data feed is updated daily! Access the local MLS direct with regular inventory updates. Our Bend Oregon MLS listings are current, accurate, and timely - our Real Estate data is as good as it gets. Unlike Zillow or Trulia - you will not find Bend Real Estate listings or Homes For Sale which do not actually exist, being depicted as "available" on this site.
If you see a home here, you can buy it. The Bend Oregon Real Estate market is experiencing a revival! Inventory is low, and multiple offers are now commonplace. We have seen numerous Bend neighborhoods stabilize, with subtle price increases city wide.
Veterans of the real estate industry, we are the leading Realty professionals in Bend, Oregon when it comes to making a smart home purchase or sale in the high desert.
We know Bend, and we know Bend real estate.
Greg Broderick, Broker/Realtor - has over 15 years assessing the homes and real estate market.
Greg has seen first hand the ups and downs an economy can bring to homeowners, and he has gained invaluable experience in riding the wave both up and down of a cyclical industry.
Our handpicked team of Bend Home inspectors, Mortgage lenders, Escrow officers, Title companies, Well & Septic companies, handymen, surveyors, Bend pest inspectors and other real estate related service providers are the best Bend, OR has to offer.
We know Bend, and we know Bend real estate.
Greg Broderick, Broker/Realtor - has over 15 years assessing the homes and real estate market.
Greg has seen first hand the ups and downs an economy can bring to homeowners, and he has gained invaluable experience in riding the wave both up and down of a cyclical industry.
Our handpicked team of Bend Home inspectors, Mortgage lenders, Escrow officers, Title companies, Well & Septic companies, handymen, surveyors, Bend pest inspectors and other real estate related service providers are the best Bend, OR has to offer.
It is our job to know about the best Homes available, and we are good at our job!
We have the latest Homes For Sale in the Bend, Oregon area.
Not finding what your looking for?
We can help!
If you do not see a Bend Home or particular piece of Oregon Real Estate which strikes your fancy, then please contact us direct to learn more about the best Bend Oregon listings which will soon be hitting the market.
We regularly network with other Real Estate agents across town about what homes for sale they will soon be listing, and we are happy to keep you abreast of these new Bend Oregon Real Estate property listings before they hit the MLS.
We have the latest Homes For Sale in the Bend, Oregon area.
Not finding what your looking for?
We can help!
If you do not see a Bend Home or particular piece of Oregon Real Estate which strikes your fancy, then please contact us direct to learn more about the best Bend Oregon listings which will soon be hitting the market.
We regularly network with other Real Estate agents across town about what homes for sale they will soon be listing, and we are happy to keep you abreast of these new Bend Oregon Real Estate property listings before they hit the MLS.
The jewel of the Pacific Northwest, Bend Oregon is an outdoor recreational playground for adults, kids, families, and the adventure in all of us.
The city of Bend, OR is home to world class athletes, retirees, small tech companies, and business professionals with a desire to leave the rat race behind.
Whether skiing Mt.
Bachelor, kyaking the Deschutes River, mountain biking Phils Trail, climbing Smith Rock, or hiking the Cascade Mountains, you will find inspiration in Bend, Oregon.
Bend, OR - population 82,000 - is located in the high desert of Central Oregon, at the base of the Cascade Mountain range.
The city of Bend, OR is home to world class athletes, retirees, small tech companies, and business professionals with a desire to leave the rat race behind.
Whether skiing Mt.
Bachelor, kyaking the Deschutes River, mountain biking Phils Trail, climbing Smith Rock, or hiking the Cascade Mountains, you will find inspiration in Bend, Oregon.
Bend, OR - population 82,000 - is located in the high desert of Central Oregon, at the base of the Cascade Mountain range.
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