Nakamichi Photography in Selma, CA is available for your real estate picture needs. We provide pictures of interiors and exteriors of homes and businesses for Realtors, property owners, builders, decorators and financial interests. We also provide marketing portrait photography for Realtors, sales teams and other industry related businesses.
If you haven't already hired a professional photographer to shoot your listings, you should really think about doing so.
Check out these 15 real estate photography facts you need to know.
Buyers spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos, and only 20% each on the listing description and agent description.
You have two seconds to grab the buyer's attention without a photo, and 20 seconds with a photo.
Use a 10mm lens for wide angles of small rooms to make it look as spacious as possible, without distorting too much.
Check out these 15 real estate photography facts you need to know.
Buyers spend 60% of their time looking at listing photos, and only 20% each on the listing description and agent description.
You have two seconds to grab the buyer's attention without a photo, and 20 seconds with a photo.
Use a 10mm lens for wide angles of small rooms to make it look as spacious as possible, without distorting too much.
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