NAI Columbia (NAIC) is one of the Midlands' go-to commercial property brokerage and management firms. As a true broker-owned firm with an innovative company structure and leadership, NAIC provides a progressive culture fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit. Its collaborative approach relies on a strong foundation of the firm's collective success and experience - backed by mentorship, support, and the resources to grow.
NAIC is invested in the community and is on a mission to improve the local commercial real estate landscape. In 2017, NAI Earle Furman, serving the Upstate of South Carolina, and North Carolina's NAI Piedmont Triad joined forces to form a creative commercial real estate collaboration across state lines. The teams expanded their market footprint in 2019 by partnering with the newly rebranded NAI Columbia (formerly Avant) group operating in the South Carolina Midlands.
This strategic alliance equally benefits all three firms with additional manpower, expanded resources, and ever evolving cross-market projects fueled by combined expertise.
NAIC is invested in the community and is on a mission to improve the local commercial real estate landscape. In 2017, NAI Earle Furman, serving the Upstate of South Carolina, and North Carolina's NAI Piedmont Triad joined forces to form a creative commercial real estate collaboration across state lines. The teams expanded their market footprint in 2019 by partnering with the newly rebranded NAI Columbia (formerly Avant) group operating in the South Carolina Midlands.
This strategic alliance equally benefits all three firms with additional manpower, expanded resources, and ever evolving cross-market projects fueled by combined expertise.
Monthly operational reports tailored to accommodate the needs of each property and client.
Formal monthly property inspections with an inspection report included in the monthly operational report.
In-house maintenance services program with a highly skilled maintenance team providing quality workmanship, quick response, and competitive pricing.
Continual monitoring and evaluation of all vendor contracts and services to insure maximum value for the asset.
Identifying and addressing capital needs through analysis and advising clients on the most efficient use of capital to achieve the highest return on investment.
Formal monthly property inspections with an inspection report included in the monthly operational report.
In-house maintenance services program with a highly skilled maintenance team providing quality workmanship, quick response, and competitive pricing.
Continual monitoring and evaluation of all vendor contracts and services to insure maximum value for the asset.
Identifying and addressing capital needs through analysis and advising clients on the most efficient use of capital to achieve the highest return on investment.
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