From Northeast Colorado, to the Western Slope, and throughout Southwest Colorado, find reliable listing information: homes for sale, commercial properties, farm or land listings. We provide a simple and efficient method of finding properties, open houses, home and vacation rentals, Realtor information, real estate agents and related resources to home buyers and sellers.
You won't find a more up-to-date accurate source for your listings than directly from the MLS. ColoProperty is the MLS. That's pretty direct. You're here to find an agent or a home, not a sales pitch. We give you the information you want and connect you to the professionals you want to work with - without the clutter. Do you want a choice of accessible housing with a main floor primary bedroom or laundry room, hardwood floors and wide doors?
Or maybe you want a sprinkler system, vaulted ceilings on a horse property, with a fireplace? You can find it all here! ColoProperty also offers searchability on green features from varying certifications to solar energy for energy-conscious home buyers.
You won't find a more up-to-date accurate source for your listings than directly from the MLS. ColoProperty is the MLS. That's pretty direct. You're here to find an agent or a home, not a sales pitch. We give you the information you want and connect you to the professionals you want to work with - without the clutter. Do you want a choice of accessible housing with a main floor primary bedroom or laundry room, hardwood floors and wide doors?
Or maybe you want a sprinkler system, vaulted ceilings on a horse property, with a fireplace? You can find it all here! ColoProperty also offers searchability on green features from varying certifications to solar energy for energy-conscious home buyers.
ColoProperty.com is proudly owned and operated by IRES, LLC, the top ranked MLS serving Colorado Real Estate Professionals.
Our data source and frequency of updates: An average of ~17,500 active listings are updated every day directly from the MLS database which encompasses Boulder, Broomfield, Fort Collins, Greeley and Weld County, Longmont, Loveland/Berthoud and Morgan County.
You will also find listings from surrounding areas such as Estes Park, Logan County, metropolitan Denver, Louisville, Lafayette, Niwot, Westminster, Red Feather Lakes, Livermore and other Colorado communities.
Our data source and frequency of updates: An average of ~17,500 active listings are updated every day directly from the MLS database which encompasses Boulder, Broomfield, Fort Collins, Greeley and Weld County, Longmont, Loveland/Berthoud and Morgan County.
You will also find listings from surrounding areas such as Estes Park, Logan County, metropolitan Denver, Louisville, Lafayette, Niwot, Westminster, Red Feather Lakes, Livermore and other Colorado communities.
Whether you are window shopping or a serious home buyer, there are multitudes of real estate resources available on ColoProperty to use.
If you are looking at purchasing a home in the near future, be sure to educate yourself on the ins and outs of mortgages.
There are many types of mortgages available and knowing before you buy can help you avoid costly mistakes.
Use our mortgage calculator to help find the right price range for your home buying experience.
If you are selling your home, see how much your home is worth using the home valuation tool.
If you are looking at purchasing a home in the near future, be sure to educate yourself on the ins and outs of mortgages.
There are many types of mortgages available and knowing before you buy can help you avoid costly mistakes.
Use our mortgage calculator to help find the right price range for your home buying experience.
If you are selling your home, see how much your home is worth using the home valuation tool.
ColoProperty offers homes for rent in Colorado along the Colorado front range, mountain areas and eastern plains.
Narrow your rental searches to find rental homes with swimming pools, pet-friendly homes, fully furnished homes and even luxury Colorado home rentals with exquisite mountain views.
Find Colorado vacation rental homes or even commercial space.
Narrow your rental searches to find rental homes with swimming pools, pet-friendly homes, fully furnished homes and even luxury Colorado home rentals with exquisite mountain views.
Find Colorado vacation rental homes or even commercial space.
Find valuable real estate information whether you are buying a home, selling your home or window-shopping for the future.
Use our Home Value Estimator to find out more information about the value of your home and how it compares to other comparable homes in the area.
The Home Value Estimator can help you decide whether or not is a good time to buy or sell.
Approximately how much will a home cost me?
Select from a list of mortgage calculators to help you determine what is within your budget.
Keep in mind that mortgage calculators are generalized and do not reflect daily market rates.
Use our Home Value Estimator to find out more information about the value of your home and how it compares to other comparable homes in the area.
The Home Value Estimator can help you decide whether or not is a good time to buy or sell.
Approximately how much will a home cost me?
Select from a list of mortgage calculators to help you determine what is within your budget.
Keep in mind that mortgage calculators are generalized and do not reflect daily market rates.
Whatever your lifestyle, Colorado offers ample opportunity to live the way you want.
Whether you like the mountains, plains or metropolitan areas, Colorado boasts a multitude of living options.
The Colorado Front Range along the I-25 corridor is booming with vivacity.
Enjoy the pristine beauty that the foothills offer by visiting Horsetooth Resevoir just west of Fort Collins, or Carter Lake that lies just west of Loveland.
If you're looking for family fun, there are many festivals and fairs that are awaiting your arrival, the Taste of Fort Collins, the Greeley Stampede, Sculpture in the Park in Loveland, and the Boulder Creek Festival.
Whether you like the mountains, plains or metropolitan areas, Colorado boasts a multitude of living options.
The Colorado Front Range along the I-25 corridor is booming with vivacity.
Enjoy the pristine beauty that the foothills offer by visiting Horsetooth Resevoir just west of Fort Collins, or Carter Lake that lies just west of Loveland.
If you're looking for family fun, there are many festivals and fairs that are awaiting your arrival, the Taste of Fort Collins, the Greeley Stampede, Sculpture in the Park in Loveland, and the Boulder Creek Festival.
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